It has come to our attention that scammers are falsely representing our company by sending counterfeit job offers using fraudulent documents bearing our logo. These misleading communications are originating from the email address: This email address and domain name are not connected nor affiliated with SOA Energy in any shape or form.
Please be informed that we do not engage in recruitment activities within the UK, and any such offers purportedly coming from us are unequivocally fraudulent.
The appropriate authorities have been notified, and government cyber agencies are actively investigating this matter to apprehend those responsible for this deceptive scheme.
We urge everyone to remain vigilant and exercise caution when receiving unsolicited job offers or communications claiming to be from our company.
Please be informed that there is a scam domain registered in the name of: which has nothing to do with our own business.
The website at is a fake and scam website which has fraudulently taken information from our own company to pretend they are connected with us, which they are not. Our company SOA Energy is not involved in crypto currency trading in any shape or form.
Action is currently being taken against this website with the relevant authorities for committing fraud by false representation.