A significant part of our successful strategy is protection and preservation of the environment in which we operate. We closely cooperate with the local governments in order to enhance environmental conditions.
Our aim is to make a progress towards reducing the environmental impact of our activities through the constant search for new technological solutions to cut greenhouse gas and pollutant emissions.
Health & Safety
Our business aim is based on a healthy work culture, workforce and community.
It is the company responsibility to reduce our employees and local community exposure to risk of any kind.
SOA Energy is committed to improving the health and well-being of its people and represents a significant force in transformation of health care in the areas we operate. We balance the need to protect our workers with as well as the local community. All our sites are covered by safety management systems with general managers responsible for overall safety measures.
Our company will develop and apply a new health care strategies that are tailored to the needs of broader community and SOA Energy people.
It is crucial for SOA Energy to keep close and mutually respectful relationships with neighbours and local communities.
We believe that active and lasting cooperation with people around is a key and fundamental element of our business strategy. Thus, SOA Energy aims to promote a sharing of economic benefits created by our activities through the conduct of our community relationships.
With the correct management, we can collaborate with local communities in order to build strong and long-term prosperity which will bring mutual benefits.
SOA Energy is proudly supporting the community though allocating its funds to Arts & Culture Foundation (ACF), which focuses in the fields of education, sport, arts and culture.